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GitHub Triggers


The github event source allows Concord to receive push and pull_request notifications from GitHub. Here’s an example:

  - log: "${event.sender} pushed ${event.commitId} to ${event.payload.repository.full_name}"
- github:
    useInitiator: true
    entryPoint: onPush
      type: push

Github trigger supports the following attributes

  • entryPoint - string, mandatory, the name of the flow that Concord starts when GitHub event matches trigger conditions;
  • activeProfiles - list of strings, optional, list of profiles that Concord applies for process;
  • useInitiator - boolean, optional, process initiator is set to sender when this attribute is marked as true;
  • useEventCommitId - boolean, optional, Concord will use the event’s commit ID to start the process;
  • ignoreEmptyPush - boolean, optional, if true Concord skips empty push notifications, i.e. pushes with the same after and before commit IDs. Default value is true;
  • exclusive - string, optional, exclusive group for process;
  • arguments - key-value, optional, additional parameters that are passed to the flow;
  • conditions - key-value, mandatory, conditions for GitHub event matching.

Possible GitHub trigger conditions:

  • type - string, mandatory, GitHub event name;
  • githubOrg - string or regex, optional, GitHub organization name. Default is the current repository’s GitHub organization name;
  • githubRepo - string or regex, optional, GitHub repository name. Default is the current repository’s name;
  • githubHost - string or regex, optional, GitHub host;
  • branch - string or regex, optional, event branch name;
  • sender - string or regex, optional, event sender;
  • status - string or regex, optional. For pull_request notifications possible values are opened or closed. A complete list of values can be found here;
  • repositoryInfo - a list of objects, information about the matching Concord repositories (see below);
  • payload - key-value, optional, github event payload.

The repositoryInfo condition allows triggering on GitHub repository events that have matching Concord repositories. See below for examples.

The repositoryInfo entries have the following structure:

  • projectId - UUID, ID of a Concord project with the registered repository;
  • repositoryId - UUID, ID of the registered repository;
  • repository - string, name of the registered repository;
  • branch - string, the configured branch in the registered repository.

The event object provides all attributes from trigger conditions filled with GitHub event.

Refer to the GitHub’s Webhook documentation for the complete list of event types and payload structure.

Note: standard limitations apply.


Push Notifications

To listen for all commits into the branch configured in the project’s repository:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onPush"
      type: "push"

The following example trigger fires when someone pushes to a development branch with a name starting with dev-, e.g. dev-my-feature, dev-bugfix, and ignores pushes on branch deletes:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onPush"
      branch: "^dev-.*$"
      type: "push"
        deleted: false

The following example trigger fires when someone pushes/merges into master, but ignores pushes by jenkinspan and anothersvc:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onPush"
      type: "push"
      branch: "master"
      sender: "^(?!.*(jenkinspan|anothersvc)).*$"

Pull Requests

To receive a notification when a PR is opened:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onPr"
      type: "pull_request"
      status: "opened"
      branch: ".*"

To trigger a process when a new PR is opened or commits are added to the existing PR:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onPr"
      type: "pull_request"
      status: "(opened|synchronize)"
      branch: ".*"

To trigger a process when a PR is merged:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onPr"
      type: "pull_request"
      status: "closed"
      branch: ".*"
          merged: true

The next example trigger only fires on pull requests that have the label bug:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onBug"
      type: "pull_request"
          - { name: "bug" }

Organization Events

To receive notifications about team membership changes in the current project’s organization:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onTeamChange"
      type: "membership"
      githubRepo: ".*"

To trigger a process when a team is added to the current repository:

- github:
    entryPoint: "onTeamAdd"
      type: "team_add"

Common Events

If https://github.com/myorg/producer-repo is registered in Concord as producerRepo, put producerRepo in repository field under repositoryInfo as shown below. The following trigger will receive all matching events for the registered repository:

- github:
    entryPoint: onPush
        - repository: producerRepo

Regular expressions can be used to subscribe to all GitHub repositories handled by the registered webhooks:

- github:
    entryPoint: onEvent
      githubOrg: ".*"
      githubRepo: ".*"
      branch: ".*"

Note: subscribing to all GitHub events can be restricted on the system policy level. Ask your Concord instance administrator if it is allowed in your environment.