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The Concord server can be configured via a configuration file. Typically this is done by the administrator responsible for the Concord installation.

A Concord user does not need to be concerned about these settings and instead needs to define their processes and further details. Check out our quickstart guide.

The following configuration details are available:

Server Configuration File

Concord Server uses Typesafe Config format for its configuration files.

The path to the configuration file must be passed via ollie.conf JVM parameter like so:

java ... -Dollie.conf=/opt/concord/conf/server.conf com.walmartlabs.concord.server.Main

When using Docker it can be passed as CONCORD_CFG_FILE environment variable.

The complete configuration file for the Server can be found in the source code repository.

A minimal example suitable for local development (assuming OpenLDAP):

concord-server {
    db {
        appPassword = "q1"
        inventoryPassword = "q1"

    secretStore {
        # just some random base64 values
        serverPassword = "cTFxMXExcTE="
        secretStoreSalt = "SCk4KmBlazMi"
        projectSecretSalt = "I34xCmcOCwVv"

    ldap {
        url = "ldap://oldap:389"
        searchBase = "dc=example,dc=org"
        principalSearchFilter = "(cn={0})"
        userSearchFilter = "(cn={0})"
        usernameProperty = "cn"
        userPrincipalNameProperty = ""
        returningAttributes = ["*", "memberOf"]

        systemUsername = "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
        systemPassword = "admin"

Server Environment Variables

All parameters are optional.


Variable Description Default value
API_PORT API port number to listen on 8001


Variable Description Default value
FORM_SERVER_DIR Directory to store custom form files a new temporary directory


Variable Description Default value
SECURE_COOKIES Enable secure attribute on server cookies false
SESSION_TIMEOUT Default timeout for sessions (seconds) 1800


Variable Description Default value
ACCESS_LOG_PATH Path to the access log, including the filename n/a
ACCESS_LOG_RETAIN_DAYS How many days to keep access logs 7

Agent Configuration File

Concord Agent uses Typesafe Config format for its configuration files.

The path to the configuration file must be passed via ollie.conf JVM parameter like so:

java ... -Dollie.conf=/opt/concord/conf/server.conf com.walmartlabs.concord.agent.Main

When using Docker it can be passed as CONCORD_CFG_FILE environment variable.

The complete configuration file for the Agent can be found in the source code repository.

The configuration file is optional for local development.

Common Environment Variables

JVM Parameters

Variable Description Default value
CONCORD_JAVA_OPTS Additional JVM arguments concord-server:
    -Xms2g -Xmx2g -server


Variable Description Default value
CONCORD_MAVEN_CFG Path to a JSON file empty

See below for the expected format of the configuration file.

Complete example:

  "repositories": [
      "id": "central",
      "layout": "default",
      "url": "https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/",
      "auth": {
        "username": "...",
        "password": "..."
      "snapshotPolicy": {
        "enabled": true,
        "updatePolicy": "never",
        "checksumPolicy": "ignore"
      "releasePolicy": {
        "enabled": true,
        "updatePolicy": "never",
        "checksumPolicy": "ignore"

      "id": "private",
      "url": "https://repo.example.com/maven2/"


  • id - string, mandatory. Arbitrary ID of the repository;
  • layout - string, optional. Maven repository layout. Default value is default;
  • url - string, mandatory. URL of the repository;
  • auth - object, optional. Authentication parameters, see the AuthenticationContext javadoc for the list of accepted parameters;
  • snapshotPolicy and releasePolicy - object, optional. Policies for snapshots and release versions. Parameters:
    • enabled - boolean, optional. Enabled or disables the category. Default value is true;
    • updatePolicy - string, optional. See RepositoryPolicy javadoc for the list of accepted values;
    • checksumPolicy - string, optional. See RepositoryPolicy javadoc for the list of accepted values;

Default Process Variables

As a Concord administrator, you can set default variable values that are automatically set in all process executions.

This, for example, allows you to set global parameters such as the connection details for an SMTP server used by the SMTP task in one central location separate from the individual projects.

The values are configured in a YAML file. The path to the file and the name are configured in the server’s configuration file. The following example, shows how to configure an SMTP server to be used by all processes. As a result, project authors do not need to specify the SMTP server configuration in their own concord.yml.

      host: "smtp.example.com"
      port: 25

    # another example
      authToken: "..."

GitHub Integration

Repository Access

To access external Git repositories Concord supports both the username and password, and the SSH key pair authentication.

Additionally, an access token can be configured to use when no custom authentication specified:

# concord-server.conf
concord-server {
    git {
        # GitHub username and an access token separated by a colon
        oauth: "jsmith:af3f...f"

The same token must be added to the Agent’s configuration as well:

# concord-agent.conf
concord-agent {
    git {
        oauth: "..."


Concord supports both repository and organization level hooks.

Here’s a step-by-step instruction on how to configure Concord to use GitHub webhooks:

Configure the shared secret:

# concord-server.conf
concord-server {
    github {
        githubDomain = "github.com"
        secret = "myGitHubSecret"

Create a new webhook on the GitHub repository or organizations settings page:

Use Content-Type: application/json and a secret you specified in the concord-server.conf file.

Note: the useInitiator feature requires a Concord environment with an AD/LDAP server. If you wish to use Concord without an AD or LDAP server, or your GitHub users are not the same as your AD/LDAP users, use useInitiator: false or omit it (false is the default value). In this case all processes triggered by GitHub would have the built-in github user as their initiator.