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Node Roster

The Node Roster task provides a way to access Node Roster data in Concord flows.


To be able to use the task in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins.basic:noderoster-tasks:1.72.0

This adds the task to the classpath and allows you to invoke the task in a flow:

    - task: nodeRoster
        action: "deployedOnHost"
        hostName: "myhost.example.com"

Common Parameters

  • baseUrl - (optional) string, base URL of the Concord API. If not set uses the current instance’s API address.
  • action - string, name of the action.

Result Format

The task’s actions return their results in a result variable. The variable has the following format:

  • ok - boolean, true if the operation was successful - i.e. returned some data;
  • data - object, result of the operation.

Find Hosts by Artifact

Returns a list of hosts which had the specified artifact deployed to.

- task: nodeRoster
    action: "hostsWithArtifacts"
    artifactPattern: ".*my-app-1.0.0.jar"


  • artifactPattern - regex, name or pattern of the artifact’s URL;
  • limit - number, maximum number of records to return. Default is 30;
  • offset - number, offset of the first record, used for paging. Default is 0.

The action returns the following result:

  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "artifact A": [
      { "hostId":  "...", "hostName": "..."},
      { "hostId":  "...", "hostName": "..."},
    "artifact B": [
      { "hostId":  "...", "hostName": "..."},
      { "hostId":  "...", "hostName": "..."},

The data is a object where keys are artifact URLs matching the supplied artifactPattern and values are lists of hosts.

Get Host Facts

Returns the last registered snapshot of the host’s Ansible facts.

- task: nodeRoster
    action: "facts"
    hostName: "myhost.example.com"


  • hostName - string, name of the host to look up;
  • hostId - UUID, id of the host to look up.

The action returns the following result:

  "ok": true,
  "data": {

The data value is the fact’s JSON object as it was received from Ansible.

Find Artifacts By Host

Returns a list of artifacts deployed on the specified host.

- task: nodeRoster
    action: "deployedOnHost"
    hostName: "myhost.example.com"


  • hostName - string, name of the host to look up;
  • hostId - UUID, id of the host to look up.

Either hostName or hostId are required.

The action returns the following result:

  "ok": true,
  "data": [
    { "url": "..." },
    { "url": "..." }