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Jira Task

The jira task supports operations on the popular issue tracking system Atlassian Jira.

Possible operations are:


To be able to use the jira task in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins:jira-task:1.32.3

This adds the task to the classpath and allows you to invoke the Jira task.

Versions 0.49.1 and older of the JIRA task used a different, incompatible implementation of the task. Please migrate to the new actions documented here when upgrading from these versions.


The jira task allows users to trigger operations on a Jira server as a step of a flow. It uses a number of required input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • apiUrl - URL to the API endpoint of the Jira server, e.g https://jira.example.com/rest/api/2/
  • action - determines the operation to be performed with the currennt invocation of the Jira task
  • userId - identifier of the user account to use for the interaction
  • password - password for the user account to use, typically this should be provided via usage of the Crypto task
  • auth - authentication used for jira.
  • debug - Optional, if true enables additional debug output. Default is set to false

The apiUrl configures the URL to the Jira REST API endpoint. It is best configured globally as default process configuration: with a jiraParams argument:

      apiUrl: "https://jira.example.com/rest/api/2/"


A minimal configuration to get authenticated from a globally configured API URL includes the userId, the password.

  - task: jira
      action: createIssue
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}

username and password can also be provided as:

- task: jira
        username: "..."
        password: "..."

USERNAME_PASSWORD type secrets can also be used to provide the credentials:

- task: jira
        org: "..." # optional
        name: "..."
        password: "..." # optional

Create an Issue

The JIRA task can be used to create a new issue with the createIssue action.

  - task: jira
      action: createIssue
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      projectKey: MYPROJECT
      summary: mySummary
      description: myDescription
      requestorUid: "${initiator.username}"
      issueType: "Bug"
      priority: P4
      labels: ["myLabel1","myLabel2"]
      components: [{"name": "myComponent1"},{"name": "myComponent1"}]
      customFieldsTypeKv: {"customfield_10212": "mycustomfield_10212","customfield_10213": "mycustomfield_10213"}
                    value: "mycustomfield_10216"
                    value: "mycustomfield_10212"

Additional parameters to use are:

  • projectKey - identifying key for the project
  • summary - summary text
  • description - description text
  • issueType - name of the issue type
  • components - list of components to add
  • labels - list of labels to add
  • requestorUid - identifier of the user account to be used as the requestor
  • customFieldsTypeKv - list of custom fields of type key->value
  • customFieldsTypeFieldAttr - list of custom fields of type fieldAttribute

After the action runs, the identifier for the created issue is available in the issueId variable.

To see possible values for custom fields we recommend to use the issue API endpoint on an existing ticket and inspect the return object e.g. https://jira.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/{issueId}

Update an Issue

The JIRA task can be used to update an issue with the updateIssue action.

  - task: jira
      action: updateIssue
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      issueKey: "MYISSUEKEY"
        summary: "mySummary123"
        description: "myDescription123"
          name: "vn0tj0b"

Additional parameters to use are:

  • issueKey - the identifier of the issue
  • summary - summary text
  • description - description text
  • assignee - name of the assignee of issue

Add a comment

The JIRA task can be used to add a comment to an existing issue with the addComment action.

  - task: jira
      action: addComment
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      issueKey: "MYISSUEKEY"
      comment: "This is my comment from concord"

Additional parameters to use are:

  • issueKey - the identifier of the issue

Add an Attachment

The JIRA task can be used to add attachment to an existing issue with the addAttachment action.

  - task: jira
      action: addAttachment
      issueKey: "MYISSUEKEY"
      filePath: "path/to/file"

The filePath must be relative to the process’ workDir.

Transition an Issue

The JIRA task can be used to transition an existing issue with the transition action. It moves the project from one status to another e.g. from backlog to work in progress, from ready for review to done and others.

  - task: jira
      action: transition
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      issueKey: "MYISSUEKEY"
      transitionId: 561
      transitionComment: "Marking as Done"

Additional parameters to use are:

  • issueKey - the identifier of the issue
  • transitionId - identifier to use for the transition
  • transitionComment - comment to add to the transition

Custom fields can be specified like in issue creation.

Delete an Issue

The JIRA task can be used to delete an existing issue with the deleteIssue action and the identifier for the issue in issueKey.

  - task: jira
      action: deleteIssue
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      issueKey: "MYISSUEKEY-123"

Create a new Component

The JIRA task can be used to create a new component for a given JIRA project with the createComponent action.

  - task: jira
      action: createComponent
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      projectKey: "MYPROJECTKEY"
      componentName: "MYCOMPONENT"

Additional parameters to use are:

  • projectKey - identifying key for the project
  • componentName - name for the new component

Delete a Component

The JIRA task can be used to delete a component with the deleteComponent action the identifier of the component in componentId.

  - task: jira
      action: deleteComponent
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      componentId: 33818

Get Current Status

The JIRA task can be used to get the current status of an existing issue with the currentStatus action.

  - task: jira
      action: currentStatus
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      issueKey: "MYISSUEKEY"

After the action runs, the current status of an issue is available in the issueStatus variable.

Get Issues

The JIRA task can be used to get the count and list of all issue ids for given JIRA project based on a given issue type and its status with the getIssues action. Below example fetches list of all issue ids that matches project = "MYPROJECTKEY" AND issueType = Bug AND issueStatus != Done

  - task: jira
      action: getIssues
      userId: myUserId
      password: ${crypto.exportCredentials('Default', 'mycredentials', null).password}
      projectKey: "MYPROJECTKEY"
      issueType: Bug
      issueStatus: Done
      statusOperator: "!="

Additional parameters to use are:

  • projectKey - string, Required - identifying key for the project.
  • issueType - string, Required - name of the issue type that you want to query against.
  • statusOperator - string, Optional - operator used to compare againt issueStatus. Accepted values are = and !=. Default is set to =.
  • issueStatus - string, Optional - status of the issue that you want to query against. If not set, fetches all issue ids for a given projectKey and issueType

After the action runs, the identifier for the fetched issue id list is available in the issueList variable and total count of issues fetched is available in issueCount varaible that can used at later point in the flow.