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The REST API provides a number of operations to work with Concord forms:

List Current Forms

Returns a list of currently available forms for a specific process.

  • URI /api/v1/process/${instanceId}/form
  • Method GET
  • Headers Authorization
  • Parameters ID of a process: ${instanceId}
  • Body none
  • Success response
    Content-Type: application/json
      { "name":  "myForm", "custom": false, ... },
      { "name":  "myOtherForm", ... },

Get Form Data

Returns data of a form, including the form’s fields and their values.

  • URI /api/v1/process/${instanceId}/form/${formName}
  • Method GET
  • Headers Authorization
  • Parameters ID of a process: ${instanceId} Name of the form: ${formName}
  • Body none
  • Success response
      Content-Type: application/json
        "processInstanceId": "...",
        "name": "myForm",
        "fields": [
          { "name": "...", "type": "..." }

Submit JSON Data as Form Values

Submits the provided JSON data as form values. The process resumes if the data passes the validation.

  • URI /api/v1/process/${instanceId}/form/${formName}
  • Method POST
  • Headers Authorization, Content-Type: application/json
  • Body
        "myField": "myValue",

    A JSON object where keys must match the form’s field values.

  • Success response

      Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": true
  • Validation errors response

      Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": false,
        "errors": {
          "myField": "..."

Submit Multipart Data as Form Values

Submits the provided multipart/form-data request as form values. The process resumes if the data passes the validation. This endpoint can be used to submit file fields (upload a file).

Note the multipart extension in the endpoint’s URL.

  • URI /api/v1/process/${instanceId}/form/${formName}/multipart
  • Method POST
  • Headers Authorization, Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Body A multipart/form-data body where each part corresponds to one of the form’s fields.

  • Success response

      Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": true
  • Validation errors response

      Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": false,
        "errors": {
          "myField": "..."
  • Example
      curl -i -H "Authorization: ..." \
      -F myValue=abc \
      -F myFile=@form.yml \