Home > docs > getting started > Installation
There are several options to install Concord:
If you already have access to a Concord deployment or after finishing these installation steps, you can read the Introduction to Concord to understand the basic concepts of Concord or set up your first project with the quick start tips.
Concord requires PostgreSQL 10.4 or higher. The Server’s configuration file provides several important DB connectivity options described below.
By default, Concord Server automatically generates the default admin API token and prints it out in the log on the first startup. Alternatively, the token’s value can be specified in the Server’s configuration file:
concord-server {
db {
changeLogParameters {
defaultAdminToken = "...any base64 value..."
Concord Server automatically applies DB schema changes every time it starts.
By default, it requires SUPERUSER
privileges to install additional extensions
and to perform certain migrations.
To deploy the schema using a non-superuser account:
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
create extension if not exists "pg_trgm";
create user app with password '...app password...';
grant all privileges on schema public to app;
concord-server {
db {
url = "jdbc:postgresql://host:5432/postgres"
appUsername = "app"
appPassword = "...app password..."
inventoryUsername = "app"
inventoryPassword = "...app password..."
changeLogParameters {
superuserAvailable = "false"
createExtensionAvailable = "false"