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Cron Triggers

You can schedule execution of flows by defining one or multiple cron triggers.

Each cron trigger is required to specify the flow to execute with the entryPoint parameter. Optionally, key/value pairs can be supplied as arguments.

The spec parameter is used to supply a regular schedule to execute the flow by using a CRON syntax.

The following example trigger kicks off a process to run the hourlyCleanUp flow whenever the minute value is 30, and hence once an hour every hour.

    - log: "Sweep and wash."
  - cron:
      spec: "30 * * * *"
      entryPoint: hourlyCleanUp

Multiple values can be used to achieve shorter intervals, e.g. every 15 minutes with spec: 0,15,30,45 * * * *. A daily execution at 9 can be specified with spec: 0 9 * * *. The later fields can be used for hour, day and other values and advanced CRON features such as regular expression usage are supported as well.

Cron triggers that include a specific hour of day, can also specify a timezone value for stricter control. Otherwise the Concord instance specific timezone is used.

    - log: "On cron event."
  - cron:
      spec: "0 12 * * *"
      timezone: "Europe/Moscow"
      entryPoint: cronEvent

Values for the timezone are derived from the tzdata database as used in the Java TimeZone class. You can use any of the TZ values from the full list of zones.

Each trigger execution receives an event object with the properties event.fireAt and event.spec as well as any additional arguments supplied in the configuration (e.g. arguments or activeProfiles):

    - log: "${name} - event run at ${event.fireAt} due to spec ${event.spec} started."
  - cron:
      spec: "* 12 * * *"
      entryPoint: eventOutput
      - myProfile
        name: "Concord"

Scheduled events are a useful feature to enable tasks such as regular cleanup operations, batch reporting or processing and other repeating task that are automated via a Concord flow.

Note: standard limitations apply.