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The configuration sections contains dependencies, arguments and other process configuration values.

Merge Rules

Process configuration values can come from different sources: the section in the concord.yml file, request parameters, policies, etc. Here’s the order in which all configuration sources are merged before the process starts:


The runtime parameter can be used to specify the execution runtime:

  runtime: "concord-v2"

Currently, the default runtime is concord-v1 which is considered stable and production-ready. This section describes the new and improved concord-v2 runtime that is available in “preview” mode - the syntax and the execution semantics may change at any moment.

See the Processes (v1) section for more details about concord-v1 runtime.

Entry Point

The entryPoint configuration sets the name of the flow that will be used for process executions. If no entryPoint is specified the flow labelled default is used automatically, if it exists.

  entryPoint: "main" # use "main" instead of "default"

    - log: "Hello World"

Note: some flow names have special meaning, such as onFailure, onCancel and onTimeout. See the error handling section for more details.


Default values for arguments can be defined in the arguments section of the configuration as simple key/value pairs as well as nested values:

    name: "Example"
      x: 10
      y: 5
      z: 0

    - log: "Project name: ${name}"
    - log: "Coordinates (x,y,z): ${coordinates.x}, ${coordinates.y}, ${coordinates.z}"

Values of arguments can contain expressions. Expressions can use all regular tasks:

    listOfStuff: ${myServiceTask.retrieveListOfStuff()}
    myStaticVar: 123

Concord evaluates arguments in the order of definition. For example, it is possible to use a variable value in another variable if the former is defined earlier than the latter:

    name: "Concord"
    message: "Hello, ${name}"

A variable’s value can be defined or modified with the set step and a number of variables are automatically set in each process and available for usage.


The dependencies array allows users to specify the URLs of dependencies such as:

  • plugins (tasks) and their dependencies;
  • dependencies needed for specific scripting language support;
  • other dependencies required for process execution.
    # maven URLs...
    - "mvn://org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.12"
    # or direct URLs
    - "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all/2.4.12/groovy-all-2.4.12.jar"
    - "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.6/commons-lang3-3.6.jar"

Concord downloads the artifacts and adds them to the process’ classpath.

Multiple versions of the same artifact are replaced with a single one, following standard Maven resolution rules.

Usage of the mvn: URL pattern is preferred since it uses the centrally configured list of repositories and downloads not only the specified dependency itself, but also any required transitive dependencies. This makes the Concord project independent of access to a specific repository URL, and hence more portable.

Maven URLs provide additional options:

  • transitive=true|false - include all transitive dependencies (default true);
  • scope=compile|provided|system|runtime|test - use the specific dependency scope (default compile).

Additional options can be added as “query parameters” parameters to the dependency’s URL:

    - "mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord:concord-client:1.72.0?transitive=false"

The syntax for the Maven URL uses the groupId, artifactId, optionally packaging, and version values - the GAV coordinates of a project. For example the Maven pom.xml for the Groovy scripting language runtime has the following definition:


This results in the path org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all/2.4.12/groovy-all-2.4.12.jar in the Central Repository and any repository manager proxying the repository.

The mvn syntax uses the short form for GAV coordinates groupId:artifactId:version, so for example org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.12 for Groovy.

Newer versions of groovy-all use <packaging>pom</packaging> and define dependencies. To use a project that applies this approach, called Bill of Material (BOM), as a dependency you need to specify the packaging in between the artifactId and version. For example, version 2.5.2 has to be specified as org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:pom:2.5.2:

  - "mvn://org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:pom:2.5.2"

The same logic and syntax usage applies to all other dependencies including Concord plugins.


A process can have a specific set of requirements configured. Concord uses requirements to control where the process should be executed and what kind of resources it gets. For example, if the process specifies

      favorite: true

and if there is an agent with

concord-agent {
  capabilities = {
    favorite = true

in its configuration file then it is a suitable agent for the process.

Following rules are used when matching requirements.agent values of processes and agent capabilities:

  • if the value is present in capabilities but missing in requirements.agent is is ignored;
  • if the value is missing in capabilities but present in requirements.agent then it is not a match;
  • string values in requirements.agent are treated as regular expressions, i.e. in pseudo code capabilities_value.regex_match(requirements_value);
  • lists in requirements.agent are treated as “one or more” match, i.e. if one or more elements in the list must match the value from capabilities;
  • other values are compared directly.

More examples:

      size: ".*xl"
        - "vanilla"
        - "chocolate"

matches agents with:

concord-agent {
  capabilities = {
    size = "xxl"
    flavor = "vanilla"

Process Timeout

You can specify the maximum amount of time the process can spend in the RUNNING state with the processTimeout configuration. It can be useful to set specific SLAs for deployment jobs or to use it as a global timeout:

  processTimeout: "PT1H"
    # a long running process

In the example above, if the process runs for more than 1 hour it is automatically cancelled and marked as TIMED_OUT.

The parameter accepts duration in the ISO 8601 format.

A special onTimeout flow can be used to handle such processes:

  - log: "I'm going to run when my parent process times out"

The way Concord handles processTimeout is described in more details in the error handling section.

Note: forms waiting for input and other processes in SUSPENDED state are not affected by the process timeout. I.e. a SUSPENDED process can stay SUSPENDED indefinitely – up to the allowed data retention period.

Exclusive Execution

The exclusive section in the process configuration can be used to configure exclusive execution of the process:

    group: "myGroup"
    mode: "cancel"

    - ${sleep.ms(60000)} # simulate a long-running task

In the example above, if another process in the same project with the same group value is submitted, it will be immediately cancelled.

If mode set to wait then only one process in the same group is allowed to run.

Note: this feature available only for processes running in a project.


The process event recording can be configured using the events section. Here is an example of the default configuration:

    recordTaskInVars: false
    truncateInVars: true
    recordTaskOutVars: false
    truncateOutVars: true
    truncateMaxStringLength: 1024
    truncateMaxArrayLength: 32
    truncateMaxDepth: 10
      - "apiKey"
      - "apiToken"
      - "password"
      - "privateKey"
      - "vaultPassword"
    outVarsBlacklist: []
  • recordTaskInVars, recordTaskOutVars - enable or disable recording of input/output variables in task calls;
  • truncateInVars, truncateOutVars - if true the runtime truncates the recorded values to prevent spilling large values into process events;
  • inVarsBlacklist, outVarsBlacklist - list of variable names that must not be included recorded;
  • truncateMaxStringLength - maximum allowed length of string values. The runtime truncates strings larger than the specified value;
  • truncateMaxArrayLength - maximum allowed length of array (list) values;
  • truncateMaxDepth - maximum allowed depth of nested data structures (e.g. nested Map objects).

Note: in the runtime v1 the event recording configuration was a subsection of the runner section. In the runtime v2 it is a direct subsection of the configuration block.