
Lumbar is a js-build tool that takes a general codebase and list of platforms to generate modular platform specific applications.


You can think of lumbar as a conditional compiler that targets platforms. However, it doesn’t rely on variables in your source code. There’s no #ifdef or #endifs. Rather you can include and exclude files by associating them with a platform. It uses a json file, lumbar.json, to describe project meta-data.

Lumbar works well with Backbone allowing for grouping of routers, models, views, and other application code into stand alone modular javascript and css files which can be lazy loaded when the route is encountered.

Best of all, if what’s included out of the box doesn’t satisfy your needs, then you should be able to build a plugin relatively easily to support it. Lumbar was built around a plugin architecture which makes it very extensible.

High Level Overview

Lumbar is modeled and built around platforms. Platforms are defined by you, to fit your representations. When a platform flag is present on a resource, such as a javascript file, then that resource will be included for that platform’s output only.

The next big term are module(s). A module is a grouping of multiple resources, such as static files, stylesheets, templates, and routes, into a logical unit. Lumbar will process all the resources in each module and output them appropriately for each platform.

Following module(s) are package(s). When platform(s) are processed one by one, they are output based on rules found in the packages. Therefore, a package gives more flexibility on how to output files. Theoretically, you could have one package that referenced all your platform(s).


The main configuration file for lumbar is by default named lumbar.json. It is a JSON formatted document that has six main sections. They are application, platforms, packages, modules, templates, and styles.

Each section of lumbar.json is discussed in more detail below. There is an example lumbar.json included in the thorax-example project.

The configuration in this file may also be split into multiple files via libraries and mixins.


"platforms": [ "android", "iphone", "ipad", "web" ],

Platforms define the target environments that a particular lumbar build may target. This could range from separate builds targeted to different browsing environments (I.e. embedded webview vs. full browser) all the way up to builds targeted for specific business units.

Platforms are defined through the platforms field in the lumbar.json file. This is an array of names, each of which produce a subdirectory in the build that contains all of the resources needed by that platform.


"packages": {
  "web": {
    "platforms": [ "web" ],
    "combine": false
  "native-hello-world": {
    "platforms": [ "android", "iphone", "ipad" ],
    "modules": [ "base", "hello-world" ],
    "combine": true

Where platforms specify what you are going to build for, packages define what will be in each platform, at a macro level. This allows for creating applications for specific environments that are optimized subsets of the larger codebase. For example a native+web application may have a package for all modules that is utilized for web users and a package containing only a subset of modules that are combined into a single HTTP request for users that are coming from the native implementation.

Packages are defined as objects on the packages object. Each package may define platforms and modules keys which will limit the platforms and modules that are associated with that package to a given set. If these fields are omitted then all platforms and modules are involved with the package.

The platforms list can be viewed as the platforms that the package will deliver on and the modules list can be viewed as what resources will be included in the package.

The resources in a package may also be optionally combined into a single file via the combine attribute. When combined the generated file will have the same name as the package name.


"modules": {
  "base": {
    "scripts": [
      {"src": "js/lib/zepto.js", "global": true},
      {"src": "js/lib/underscore.js", "global": true},
      {"src": "js/lib/backbone.js", "global": true},
      {"src": "js/lib/handlebars.js", "global": true},
      {"src": "js/lib/thorax.js", "global": true},
      {"src": "js/lib/script.js", "global": true},
      {"src": "js/lib/lumbar-loader.js", "platform": "web"},
      {"src": "js/lib/lumbar-loader-events.js", "platform": "web"},
      {"src": "js/lib/lumbar-loader-standard.js", "platform": "web"},
      {"src": "js/lib/lumbar-loader-backbone.js", "platform": "web"},
      {"src": "js/bridge.js", "platforms": ["iphone", "ipad", "android"]},
      {"src": "js/bridge-android.js", "platform": "android"},
      {"src": "js/bridge-ios.js", "platforms": ["ipad","iphone"]},
      {"module-map": true}
    "styles": [
    "static": [
      {"src": "static/#{platform}/index.html", "dest": "index.html"}
  "hello-world": {
    "routes": {
      "": "index",
      "hello": "index"
    "scripts": [
    "styles": [

Next, lets discuss the modules section of the lumbar.json file. This section lets you define logical groupings of code, static files, stylesheets, and templates (mustache / handlebars).

A modules content is primarily defined by the scripts, styles and static fields which define arrays of resources that will be included within the module. For the scripts and styles entries all resources will be combined into a single script and single style file at build time. static resources will be copied to the build target on build. Each of these fields are optional and omitting a given field will prevent final output of that given file.


While left somewhat vague as plugins can provide their own definition of what a resource is, at the core level it is content that will be output in the resulting module. In general a resource is a file on the file system that may be transformed by plugins, but in some cases plugins define their own resources. The module-map plugin for example defines it's own resource type that outputs the collective routes and associated modules for the entire package.

File resources can be a simple string with relative path and or an object that offers more granularity for the file. If it's a simple filename then an entry like, init.js would be appropriate. If additional requirements are needed such as limiting to specific platforms or scope then an object with the src field set to the relative path should be used, along with any plugin specific filter values. The conditional plugin for example can define conditional inclusion via contstructs like this following:

{"src": "lumber-loader-localstorage.js", "env" :"production"},
{"src": "lumber-loader-storage.js", "env": "dev"}

The core implementation provides platform-specific filtering by specifying the platform or platforms fields on the resource object; the singular form being a string reference to a platform and the plural being an array of platform names. list the platforms we wanted init.js to be included with. If we were targeting the ipad and iphone platforms our entry would look like this:

{ "src": "init.js", "platforms": ["ipad", "iphone"] }


By default, Lumbar creates a private scope for all generated modules using the javascript module pattern. This behavior is controlled by the scope plugin and may be adjusted as necessary.

The scopes are somewhat akin to CommonJS modules, generating a module instance variable which acts as a general input from plugins and the exports or module.exports variable allowing for the module to expose functionality to the outside world.

The output of a module can be customized with a template which will receive scope (the current module scope) and name (the current application name) as variables.

To specify this in your lumbar file set:

  "scope": {
    "template": "templates/module.template"

The template can be a handlebars template string or a path to a file that ends in .handlebars. This template must contain {{yield}}. The built in module template looks more or less like:

{{{scope}}} = (function() {
  var module = {exports: {}};
  var exports = module.  exports;
  return module.exports;


Modules may optionally define backbone routes that it manages via the routes field. When paired with lumbar-loader the given module will be loaded on demand when the user navigates to a route serviced by that module.

Any routes defined for the module are available to javascript code via the module.routes field.


"application": {
  "name": "Example",
  "module": "base"

The application section defines the module that serves as the root namespace for all other modules. This is generally the module that provides the core framework for the application while other modules implement specific subsections of the application functionality.

On this object, the name key defines the javascript name that other modules may access the module's exports from. (Note that code running within this module must address itself using the exports object directly until it has been fully initialized).

All other modules will namespace themselves based on this name. With the example above a module named home would name itself Example.home.

There’s also a module key used to identify the module that will be loaded into the root namespace. Without explicit loading this is the only one that can be relied on when running code in any other modules. This is a special module that kicks off everything and presumably contains the core library code for your application.

For example, if we listed two modules for our package, say "base" and "home" we would get two files called home.js and base.js. If we chose "base" as the value for module then our base.js file would declare Example and home.js would use it. If we chose "home" as the value for module then our base.js file would use Example while home.js would declare it.


"templates": {
  "js/views/hello-world/index.js": [

Lumbar also support inclusion of templates via the templates field. Each entry in this object will be matched against the files that are included in a particular module. When a match occurs all templates will be included in the associated module (not more than once).

These templates may also be precompiled and have other optimizations applied to them. See the template plugin documentation for additional information.


"styles": {
  "pixelDensity": {
    "android": [ 1, 1.5 ],
    "iphone": [ 1, 2 ],
    "web": [ 1, 2 ]
  "useNib": true,
  "includes": [

Finally the styles section controls how CSS is generated and included within the generated content. When combined with stylus, lumbar can allow for things like:

For more information see the stylus plugin.


Lumbar allows for a projects configuration to be split into multiple lumbar config files via libraries. This allows multiple projects to reuse behaviors without having to duplicate their configuration. For example the lumbar-loader files can be referenced via a library like so:

"modules": {
  "loader": {
    "mixins": [
      {"name": "lumbar-loader", "env": "dev"},
      {"name": "lumbar-localstorage-loader", "env": "production"}
"libraries": [

Libraries have two methods of operation, global config and module mixins. The former allows libraries to define common configuration such as common stylus include files and the later allows for the addition of specific behaviors to specific modules.

Global config changes are simply defined in the root of the library lumbar.json file. When the library is loaded any settings defined here will be imported into the project. Note that each plugin implements it's own inheritance scheme here. Some plugins might treat specific definitions as additive and others might treat them as overrides.

They are discussed in detail here.


Lumbar offers many options for customization and extensibly through its Plugin Architecture.

Core Plugins

The bulk of Lumbar's core functionality is implemented through core plugins, such as the stylus, template, and scope plugins. Documentation on all of the core plugins is available here.

By default each of these plugins are utilized for all builds. If this is not desired then the ignoreCorePlugins field may be specified on the build options. When doing this select core plugins may still be used by referencing them name. See Using 3rd Party Plugins below for details.

Using 3rd Party Plugins

3rd party (and core plugins in ignoreCorePlugins mode) may be defined through

Implementing Custom Plugins

Read more about our architecture here.

Command Line

lumbar build [--package name] [--config file] [--minimize] [--use path [--with options]] lumbarFile outputDir
        Build out the package(s).
lumbar watch [--package name] [--config file] [--minimize] [--use path [--with options]] lumbarFile outputDir
        Start watching the files for changes and rebuild as necessary.

--package:    represents the name of a corresponding package listed
              under 'packages' in lumbarFile.

--minimize:   to shrink the resultant file.

--config:     is the name and path to the lumbar config file, if
              not given then lumbar.json is assumed.

--use:        path to your plugin to load

    --with:   an optional json config object to pass to your plugin.

lumbarFile:   is the name and path to the lumbar config file, if
              not given then lumbar.json is assumed.

outputDir:    Required. Designates where the files will be placed.


  1. Does lumbar.json have to be in the root our our application?

    No, not necessarily. The root is the current working directory that you are running lumbar from.

    However, the files mentioned in lumbar.json would have to be relative to its location. So if you dropped lumbar into a sub directory, you would have to ../ all files from the root. You would also have to run lumbar from the sub directory.

    So to keep it simple, keep lumbar.json in the root.

  2. Is there a bootstrap for Lumbar?

    The thorax-example project contains all of the content necessary to setup a Lumbar (and Thorax) project. This may be freely copied and used as a basis for new projects.

  3. What do I do about EMFILE errors?

    For larger projects watch mode may run into issues relating to too many open files depending on the size of the project and environment settings. If EMFILE errors are encountered while running in watch mode there are two options:

    1. Increate the maximum number of open files. On most systems this can be achieved via the ulimit -n <value> command.

    2. Use an outside recompile method such as an IDE or general execution.

  4. Does Lumbar provide any options for long expires resources?

    The lumbar long expires plugin allows for naming objects with arbitrary cache buster tokens, such as git SHA values. For example:

./android/7c18fda/index.html ./android/7c18fda/native-hello-world.css ./android/7c18fda/native-hello-world.js ./android/7c18fda/native-hello-world@1.5x.css ./ipad/7c18fda/index.html ./ipad/7c18fda/native-hello-world.css ./ipad/7c18fda/native-hello-world.js ./iphone/7c18fda/index.html ./iphone/7c18fda/native-hello-world.css ./iphone/7c18fda/native-hello-world.js ./iphone/7c18fda/native-hello-world@2x.css ./web/7c18fda/base.css ./web/7c18fda/base.js ./web/7c18fda/base@2x.css ./web/7c18fda/hello-world.css ./web/7c18fda/hello-world.js ./web/7c18fda/hello-world@2x.css ./web/7c18fda/index.html

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